Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Home education has become a preferred option for a growing number of families nowadays. It is a fact that prior to the introduction of Universal education in the 19th century, home-schooling was the way to go about in teaching children. The type of children being home schooled can generally be divided into two groups, those who have never been enrolled in school and those who were withdrawn by their parents.It is important to note that there are different reasons why parents would choose to home educated their children. Some are for practical reason, like if the mother’s and father’s work requires that the family move from one place or another.Putting the children in a public school under such conditions would only put stress on the kids and the problem of instability of learning and relations. In another perspective, it becomes the choice of parents to not place their kids under an educational institution.It is either the family holds certain religious or moral beliefs , or perhaps a conviction that public schools will not be able to address the needs of their children. Today, we shall focus on the convictions held by home schooling parents that schools imbibes a sense of indoctrination and exists within a system that is flawed in itself.  A lot of arguments have been raised regarding the choice of parents to teach their children at home rather than send them off to school. This paper aims to respond to the negative connotations ascribed to home-schooling, in reference to the article written by a home schooling father named Mark Leeming which served as his rebuttal to the claim that children taught at home by their parents and/or carers miss a lot of benefits from public schools.One of the main reasons a family would chooses to educate their children at home, according to Leeming is in order to teach them of the fundamentals.I believe that when he spoke of this, he was referring to the basic foundations of a child that are not restricted to text book know-how’s. Public schools tend to overlook the significance of the little details a child has to learn in order to make it in the â€Å"real world† as the author would put it.Further, in providing home education, parents are able to render lessons that they deem their children to need, and even equip the latter with certain tools that would be helpful for them to grow up as upright individuals. Another way of looking at this is that a child has certain potentials that may go unnoticed and thus undeveloped in a classroom setting.When a child is edified at home, the parent in the role of the teacher is keen to observe the weaknesses and strengths of his/her student. In such a way that she may be quick to address the aspects of learning his/her child might have difficulty with.In the same sense, a one-on-one ratio of parent to student relations, would allow the earlier mentioned to formulate the appropriate approach that would target the personality and ability of t he student, thus rendering it more effective than a classroom setting where a generalized standard is being administered risking an oversight of the differencesSecondly, Leeming purports that the system of public education indoctrinates the beliefs a structure holds without realizing that instead of the claim that it provides haven for ideas, it is actually dogmatic, and is in fact vulnerable to educating children to be narrow minded individuals.In defense of this claim, we shall see that each class one takes has a certain prescription of what can and cannot be taught. Those who claim that home schooled become isolated and thus intolerant of social diversity are in fact using a boomerang argument.What do I mean by this? Simple, in their insistence of their so-called progressive measures and system of education they are in fact caught up in a single path of thinking.A home schooled child is as much exposed to the views of others; it does not necessarily follow the views of their pare nts. It seems that people lose sense of the fact that there is still the media and the internet. This means, that a child even if he does learn most of the school subjects at home are still exposed to the diversity of opinion out there.In truth, there is a greater chance that a child who learns things at home can be more open than the next kid enrolled in the public school. In such a way that she is not taught to dismissed a view of the world immediately, unlike in the classroom wherein she is told of what is acceptable from the unreasonable.We could see that a child at home learning through her parents and the internet, plus of course the media, with be trained in self-critical thinking. She or he would grow up informed and knowing things as she deems fit to know, not as told by other people also automatons to the system.What exist in schools are left-to-center views, and refusal to ascribe to such thinking is deemed as being intolerant. The truth is, political correctness is being used too much even at the point of not revealing what’s real for the sake of being politically correct.Classrooms share a view of social issues in such a way as to teach children tolerance, when in fact there comes a point that they would have to take sides.Home schooling is not cheap; in fact parents have to carry the burden of buying the textbooks, exercise manuals, and other instructional materials. They do so in order to provide their children with everything they need so as not to be left behind by their peers.It is not the case that if children are home schooled they would be aloft, isolated, and low self-esteemed individuals. Actually, for Leeming, this is one of the reasons they decided not to bring their child to school.The peer pressure as well as the lack of attention to the learning style appropriate for a child may lead to low self-esteem. In my opinion also, children who are home schooled are not that different from other kids. They are still exposed to the var ious sides of societies. They can still develop connections with others; have friends, even outside of school.Some may argue that home education is incomplete and lacks certain interactions needed to raise a well-rounded adult. However, we must first ask what makes an upright citizen? If we would take a look, the exposures to societal adherence and acceptance in the schools today aren’t exactly what you’d call positive.There are instances wherein values are instilled only within the four corners of the class, (and this I must note, are linear values wherein no other perspective is offered as an alternative), outside we see these so-called values being set aside, i.e. playground politics.In a home-schooling setting, a lot of methods can be employed in order to guarantee that a child who receive the type of learning most likely to help him or her to become a morally upright, well-learned individual.Things that may be taken for granted in an educational institution like, as Leeming placed it, recycling, is a practice that ought to be inculcated but instead schools tend to preach and forget.If we would really want to look at the objective grounds, then perhaps we ought to refer to statistics, where it states that home-schooled children tend to attain higher scores than mainstream schooled kids.â€Å"The main advantage of home education is one-to-one teaching, which allows parents to adapt to their children’s individual learning needs. Children of all ages are educated at home, some going on to take General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) or other examinations. In general, academic achievement compares favorably with school.†(Encarta, 2005)As we have seen there is no good reason to believe that home schooling is a less propitious alternative to public schools. In fact if taken under the light, it seems that home education offers a type of learning wherein holistic development is more possibly attained.Reference:___, Home Educat ion, In Encarta Encyclopedia, premium ed. 2005, Redmond: Microsoft Corporation, 2004Mark Leeming, Article: Home-Schooling has Advantages, Shannonville, June 21, 2007

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

English Language Article Comparison Essay

In this piece of work I will be comparing two articles from newspapers. Both the articles are about the same story and were printed on the same day (Tuesday October 13th 1998), however they are from two different newspapers. One of them is from The Sun and the other from The Telegraph, the main difference between these two papers is that The Sun is a tabloid and The Telegraph is a broadsheet. Throughout this piece of work I will try to examine the difference in their attitudes towards writing news due to this variation in category of newspaper. The article concerns dogs that were at a police dog training unit, the instructor allegedly forced a handler to kick and hang the dogs, one of the dogs involved died. The first and most distinctive thing you realise about these two stories is the difference in headlines. Firstly in The Telegraph the height of the letters involved is only approximately 1cm where as in The Sun it is 2. 6cm. This clearly shows that The Sun wants to make a larger impact and draw your attention to that particular story. Other points about the headlines that back this up are the style of writing. In The Telegraph the headline has been written in serif, this means that the editor has decided to use a font which includes small decorative lines at the ends of letters, however The Sun’s headline is in sans serif and so doesn’t have these lines. This makes the letters much more sharp, and ‘right-angled’ this gives a hard feel to the words and helps attract readers. Another way the editor has used the headline to attract the reader in The Sun is by using block capitals, this instantly makes the letters bigger, stand out and coupled with the words being in bold black and sans serif gives a real shock effect. A similarity between these two headlines though is that they both use quotes, this makes it sound and feel more real to a reader because it says exactly what actual people said and after having read the subheadline, probably what they said in court. However, I personally feel that the main difference is the actual words that have been used. The Sun’s headline is much more emotive, it uses words such as ‘cruel’, ‘kick’ and death. These words will instantly capture people and conjure up images that will stir their imagination and make them want to read on. Not only this but the headline also reads ‘kick his own dog to death’, this makes it seem even worse because it wasn’t a dog belonging to the police but his own family pet. It makes the whole thing seem even more cruel and will once again make people more interested in the story, especially for people who have pet dogs. However, The Telegraph is much more informative and factual, it makes a statement about what happened without going into detail about the emotions of it. It says; ‘Police ‘told to kick and punch dogs†, although it does uses words such as ‘kick’ and ‘punch’ it uses them in a way to inform what the police had been told to do and doesn’t go into detail about what the trainer was like. I also feel an interesting thing to also look at is the use of ‘made’ and ‘told’ in these two headlines. When The Sun says ‘†¦made cop kick his own god to death’ it uses ‘made’ to incriminate the trainers, it makes it sound like the policemen didn’t have a choice and that the whole incident was the trainers fault. Whereas The Telegraph uses ‘told’, this is much more informative and is simply saying what happened, there is no emotional influence in the way The Telegraph have written this headline. The subheadlines are also quite interesting, firstly their placing, The Telegraph has decided to place the subheadline before the main headline and in The Sun it has been placed after the headline. This may have been done for a number of reasons. In The Telegraph the subheadline reads; ‘German Shepard died after punishment, court told’ this subheadline has probably been used to give the reader a bit more information about the story before they read on like the type of dog involved and the fact that the dog died. In The Sun they have decided to put the information that the dog died in their headline and the fact it was a German Shepard isn’t mentioned in The Sun at all. On to The Sun’s subheadline and it simply reads ‘Jury told of punishment’ this has been put after the headline to inform the reader of where the quote of the headline came from. As well as this in The Sun not only does it have a subheadline after the headline, it also has other subheadlines throughout the story to introduce new parts of the article and to split it into three parts; the extra subheadlines are ‘Warned’ and ‘Shaking’. These words are actually used in the section of the article they introduce so that the reader will want to continue. You notice these words and they stand out because they are very expressive and they give you information about what is going to happen in the article even if you don’t read on. I also feel that The Sun has used these particular words to good use, if you didn’t have time to read the whole article and only read the headline and these subheadlines you would leave with a very strong feeling of hatred towards the trainers. Not only with words like ‘made’ which I have already explained, but when it is followed by a subheadline of ‘warned’ it makes you feel as though the police were threatened by the trainers and were warned by them to do nothing wrong. I personally feel that The Telegraph has a more hard-hitting headline for a particular reason. The Sun has made it’s main headline strike out of the page and really make you read on, this means they have put a simple subheadline so as not to overshadow the headline. Whereas The Telegraph has done it the other way around, their headline is not so hard-hitting so the editor has decided to include an emotive subheadline to aid the reader in being interested in the story and to red on. After having seen the headlines and been attracted to the story you begin to read the main text. Straight away in the hook paragraph you can see differences in the papers’ attitudes. Firstly, and most obviously the fact that in The Sun the first paragraph has been written in bold, and simply written normally in The Telegraph. Once again it seems that The Sun has been much more emotive in its approach. Words such as ‘forced’ and ‘kicked it’ are used, not only this but the word ‘DIED’ is written in block capitals, this is to emphasise the word and everything it means and the horror of what happened to the dogs. Words used in The Telegraph are very interesting. The first line explains that the dogs were ‘chastised’, it is interesting they should use this word because although it is hard hitting it probably doesn’t have the same effect on you as ‘kicking’ (which is in The Sun). However The Telegraph does say that dogs were ‘hung helplessly from a wall by their leads’ this is then followed by ‘a court was told yesterday’ it is as though The Telegraph wants to remain on the fence by simply stating what was said but at the same time drumming up emotion in the reader and making them read on, all in all The Sun is more opinionated and The Telegraph is trying as best it can to stay factual. A similarity between the two stories is the use of quotation. Both articles have many quotes from the police officers and trainers in question and almost all of the quotes were said in court. This could well be because on the day these two articles were published the case was still in court and they had little else to go on than this. Also the writer of the article in The Sun has done something slightly unusual in that he has decided to put some paragraphs into italics. This is almost certainly to draw the readers attention to that part of the story and make them read and think about it a different way. There are three paragraphs throughout the article that are in italics and out of these two of them focus on the cruelty to the animals, they go into detail about the way in which this happened and how the dogs reacted to it. The third paragraph describes how two of the handlers left in protest to what was going on before the dog died. Both these points are quite significant to the overall story and you can see why the writer may well have wanted the reader to be more aware of these facts that perhaps other points. Another point that I have found very interesting is sentence type used in both articles. It is normal for newspapers to use a lot of declarative sentences, these help the reporter to get across to the reader all the important information quickly and easily. An example from The Sun would be; ‘PC James English told the court his dog Tazz had been hanged for growling’ and The Telegraph; ‘Trainers at the police dog unit, based at Sandon, Chelmsford, Essex’. However, differences occur between the newspapers when you look at the use of complex sentences, these are more rarely used in papers as they are longer and are not so dramatic. However, as you would except it is The Telegraph that has used a couple but The Sun has used a lot fewer. As I have already described, The Telegraph is a more up-market paper and is aimed towards a sector of society who appreciate this sort of writing whereas The Sun is not. In fact a complex sentence has been used in The Telegraph to say the same as my last quotation of a declarative sentence from The Sun; †PC James English said his dog, Tazz was twice subjected to the hanging method after he had growled during training’.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Honor Diaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Honor Diaries - Essay Example The documentary Honor Diaries examines female genital mutilation in the perspective of honor violence aimed at women. In the context of violence, viewers can learn about the mistreatment and violence that is experienced by women. For instance, Viewers can learn about Fahina Hashim from Sudan as she tries to protect the potential of Female Genital Mutilation through her work of advocacy. She is seen negotiating with her parents who could have demanded mutilation in the order in order to have some familiar honors preserved as well as the preservation of purity values. One of the greatest strength of the films is the ability to avoid racial discrimination. The film has effectively been able to represent almost every culture in the world. For instance, there is a representative for the South Asian Community, Sudan, and Iran among others. In addition, the film has also tried to balance religion by including both the Islamic religion and Christian religion through Juliana Tamoozary. Nevertheless, the movie managed to touch a nerve in Muslim cultures that are abusive to women. For instance, the film triggered hypocritical claims of Islamophobia. Islamophobia is an unwarranted fear of Islam religion. In US, there are three Universities that have optimized censorship of screenings. In most cases, such actions are usually political as the practice is shameful regardless of culture (The Clarion Project). The film is used to show viewers the various struggles and challenges that are experienced by women around the planet in the name of culture. The film acts as an inspiration to the viewers especially individuals who are tied up by cultural restrictions. The movie inspires women to break down the hindrance of political exactness and speak the truth that culture should not be used to abuse women (The Clarion

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Research Paper

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Research Paper Example Under the new law, children are no longer denied of the coverage based on pre-existing conditions (NCSL, 2012). They will be considered beneficiaries of parents until they will reach the age of 26. The healthcare reform has nationalized its system at the cost of $940 billion (NCSL, 2012). Such amount is exacted from budget cuts, taxation and government funding (Gravelle, 2010). On a positive note, it was perceived to have reduced the national fiscal deficiency by $1.2 trillion (NCSL, 2012). This was perceived as the strategic resolution to provide remedy to the serious concern about 32 million Americans who have no health insurance (NCSL, 2012) notwithstanding critique from other stakeholders that changes will also potentially impact to medicare system and the need for hospitals to cope with the increasing demand of health consumers as budget for national services are rationalized by the state. Healthcare subscribers still need to realize though that preventive health measure remains necessary since Obamacare program is designed as a government’s response to bridge the gaps on financial resources in case of hospitalization. Its appreciable still to note that central to this healthcare reform is the gender non-discrimination clause in its policy; restriction enforced to pre-need companies to make them customer-centered in providing insurance benefits; obliging insurance companies to justify any increase of insurance fees; availability of option to avail healthcare in accordance to their income bracket and nature of employment (NCSL, 2012). The co-payments for domestic violence screening, birth control and related expenses are no longer allowed (NCSL, 2012). Annual and lifetime limits for caring for the patients are already removed and micro-businesses will enjoy tax credits if their workers are afforded with insurance. Notwithstanding these positive reforms, there are still those who categorized that the Obamacare remains favorable to the affluent or the moneyed middle class who could save more from the healthcare benefits. They opined that there are still about 25% of entrepreneurs that are uninsured, 50% are dependent on their respective family, and there are about 60% with private insurance enjoy incomes at about 400% above the poverty level (NCSL, 2012). These affluent will qualify for tax credits other than the fact that it can subsidize healthcare to 83% small business owners that are currently considered not insured (NCSL, 2012). Department of Healthcare and Family expectations of Obama care for state of Illinois The Institute of Medicine (IOM) have already provided directives for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)Â  pertaining to essential benefits of mandatory insurance under the health reform law's insurance exchanges (NCSL, 2012). Medical experts observed that the report and directive did not listed specific medical services to be covered by premiums of insurers but it recommended a framework to define the minimum benefits that can be generated under the insurance policy (NCSL, 2012). DoH acknowledged that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was the most comprehensive changes to the provision of health insurance since the development of Medicare and Medicaid by requiring all Americans to have health insurance by 2016 (NCSL, 2012).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hair ans Fiber Analysis Relating to Homicides Research Paper

Hair ans Fiber Analysis Relating to Homicides - Research Paper Example â€Å"Anthropology is the study of humans, their culture and their biology. Anthropology can be divided into the study of human biology and human culture† (Houck & Siegel 183). This includes the study of the past and present elements and features of a given social classification of people. Forensic anthropology therefore seeks to merge the concept of anthropology with forensic sciences which provides evidence based on the unique features of a given perpetrator of a murder. This means that forensic anthropology makes the use of social grouping and classification to match the features of a given suspect to provide the broad classification of the possible perpetrator of a given crime. Aside being used in courts, forensic anthropology may be of use in the investigation of human rights abuses like genocides and the examination of mass graves to attain further details of crimes (Haviland et al 10). Details of skeletal anatomy can help establish various social classifications of vict ims like age, sex, population affiliation and stature of deceased (Haviland et al 10). The differences between people can be attributed to several factors and situations. This is the main essence of anthropology. It seeks to study our differences based on our unique features and skeletal structures. Forensic anthropology therefore try to apply our differences based on dominant findings in relation to â€Å"... human evolution, paleopathology (study of bone diseases in antiquity), physiology and morpoplogical adaptatiosn to various environmental conditions and osteology (study of bone structures† (Brickley & Ferllini 5). These differences ultimately lays the foundation for the identification of differences amongst people. This provides the basis for the classification of victims and their murderers. This can therefore become the basis for the identification of these people in a competent court of judicature and the ultimate conviction of such perpetrators. However, the use of forensic anthropology in a court of law can come with difficulties. This is because there is the need for some standards to be observed in the usage of external evidence in a trial which can determine the future of a suspect. It is therefore necessary for some safeguards to be erected to prevent the misuse of anthropology in court cases and the broad generalizations of situations that could potentially cause the miscarriage of justice. This paper examines the use of hair and fiber analysis, a sub-unit of forensic anthropology as evidence in court. It examines the components of hair and fiber analysis in homicide cases and its appropriateness as evidence in court. It looks at the various cases where it has been used and its limitations in court cases. In arriving at this end, two major landmark cases will be examined: the OJ Simpson Trial (1994) and the Daubert Case (1993). Hair & Fiber Analysis in Homicide â€Å"Hair and fiber analysis are important to examine a victim and events t hat took place at the place of murder through to the place of dumping the body† (Houck 123). This implies that hair and fiber analysis can provide important components of a murderer in a case that can enable the identification of such a criminal to come much easier. Hair and fiber analysis provide a way through which the hair of the perpetrators of a murder which fell off at the scene of the crime

Art history response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Art history response paper - Essay Example However, he showed little school interest and preferred to copy paintings where his drawing and painting career developed. He is among the greatest all-time living artists in the western tradition. Michelangelo’s impact was immediate achieving a level of influence and fame that could not be precedent. Despite making a few forays beyond art, Michelangelo versatility in the disciplines that he took was of very high order as is often considered a title contender of the archetypal Renaissance man. He mastered a number poetry, media, painting and architecture and considered himself to be a sculptor foremost. His talent was almost immediately recognized as evidenced by bibliographies that we written in his own lifetime. His biography was written and published when he was alive and become the first artist for such a thing to happen. At an  age of 74  years  he  took over from  Antonio the Younger as an architecture at St. Basilica. He transformed the plan, and the western end being finished to his design. In his lifetime, he was referred to as the divine one. One of the qualities that were admired by his contemporaries was his sense of inspiring grandeur to the next group of upcoming artists. He impassioned a highly personal style of art that led in Mannerism that was the next art movement after the High Renaissance. He lived for almost ninety years and at the time he worked for seven popes, witnessed Counter-Reformation and Reformation and saw the widespread utilization of the printing press leading the discovery of America. From Michelangelo historical life, he can be considered as an icon hero in art. Despite being born from a poor family and background, he was able to rise against all odds to be a great influence in the art industry, thus he believed that he was the best and can make it despite the challenges he faced. From his virtues, he was a patient man and was able to develop sculpture, architects

Friday, July 26, 2019

Financial Statement Analysis. Financial Statements reformulation and Essay

Financial Statement Analysis. Financial Statements reformulation and equity valuation - Essay Example 1). The Corporate Reporting Users’ Forum is right with all their comments. In terms of accounting valuation models, a better picture would be presented if the United Kingdom companies listed in the stock exchanges would prepare financial performance reports classified under the areas of operating, financing and investing activities. The operating activities would pertain to the daily production of sales as well as services offered to their clients. Financing activities refers to those that are infused into the business by creditors and stockholders. Investing activities refers to the sale and purchase of property, plant and equipment accounts (Watkins 1998, p.51). One of the important tools in the hands of professional accountants for ascertaining changes in funds at the disposal of the company, during the course of every accounting year is the Cash Flow Statement. A cash flow statement is mainly categorized in to three heads like, cash flow from operating activities, cash flow from investing activities and cash flow from financing activities. Cash flow from operating activities is mainly dealing with the deduction of major operating expenditure from the revenues attained. Cash flow from financing activities dealing with major receipts and payments, and cash flow from investing activities alludes to the acquisition and disposal of assets or properties. Further, the CRUF group is right in affirming that financial statements should have coherent and cogent classifications that include the balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows. The new accounting standards recommended by the IASB and FASB group led by Sir David Tweedie and Bob Herz respectively would definitely resolve perennial problems using the traditional financial reporting standards. The current reporting standards focus on the net income as the benchmark for every business endeavor. The new standards are better because the new

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Does the concept of authenticity have any value in the evaluation or Essay

Does the concept of authenticity have any value in the evaluation or appreciation of Japanese popular music If it does, what makes a work or musician authentic, or inauthentic Give examples and discuss - Essay Example Japan has embraced the music genre called pop since 1990s. On its emergence in Japan, pop music replaced the local â€Å"Kayokyoku† music in order to cater for international music demand. The Japanese pop music has diversified and now it is common in all parts of the country (Craig, 2000:13). One amusing fact about the Japanese pop music is that it is a hard alternative genre that combines both English and Japanese which are blended so well that they bring the authentic taste (Keller, 2008:6). The Japanese pop music has been formed and expanded by imported music from other cultures. The Japanese have assimilated music continually from countries like Korean and the Buddhism kingdom. The Japanese pop musicians had to immediately conform to carter for the American occupying forces. These musicians had first to interact in lengthy with American musician in order to learn the recording forms of pop music because the American character of pop music is regarded as contestable (Levins on, 2011:7). The Japanese pop industry had to locate itself in an aesthetic hierarchy that would reinforce asymmetries of power and cultural prestige. The Japanese had thus to embrace the Japan-US relationship by placing American artist at the apex as innovators and the Japanese maintained as imitators. The idea of authenticity in the Japanese pop music has taken root in the idea of western popular music. Although the Japanese music has become the heart of the music of the people, there is still the idea that it can only be authentically done by the westerners. The idea of authenticity in Japanese music has taken root in the blending of English and Japanese in lyrics. The Japanese artists write the whole composition purely in English simply to acquire authenticity (Sxornbrun, 2005: 18). Japanese people have a rough history of importing and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Assessment Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assessment Theory - Essay Example Including the assessment strategies that will be used to measure the progress of the student is very necessary to make sure that this has been achieved in a way that will help the students to not only gain from the learning materials but also retain these materials in the long term (Kyriacou, 2009). Diagnostic assessment is geared towards creating a way forward for the class (Wiliam, 2009). The teacher uses this assessment strategy in an attempt to try and map the knowledge the class already has about a certain topic are. In this regard, it can be used at the beginning of the lesson, at the beginning of a new topic, or even at the beginning of a new class (grade level). New teachers who are about to take a new class may also want to use a diagnostic assessment to know where his or her students have reached with regard to certain knowledge. Once this is used, the teacher is able to know what will be necessary to emphasize on and what may not require more emphasis. Formative assessment is also another important strategy that teachers can use to help and aid in the class. As Gadsby (2012) argues, formative assessments are usually in class assessments that a teacher will use in a way to help the students to learn better. Formative assessment is never geared towards giving the student a grade to indicate his level of knowledge, but is geared towards identifying any learning gaps in the classroom and therefore provide for a way to deal with them (Black & William, 1998). For instance, after introducing and completing a topic, the teacher may want to give a formative assessment as a way to identify what the students were able to learn and retain and what they were not able to retain. This way, the instructor is able to close the gaps that are identified through a formative assessment (Marshalla & Drummond, 2006). For instance, if the class is on Information and communication technology

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Jurors Perspective in the Case against Socrates Research Paper

A Jurors Perspective in the Case against Socrates - Research Paper Example Personally, I find nothing wrong with being inquisitive. Inquisitiveness has been the source of great knowledge for a long time. The fact that Socrates has been inquisitive, enquiring the earth and the clouds constitute no crime. If his chosen way of life does not harm anyone, and no one can confirm that he harmed anyone by being curious, then I find no fault at that. Of concern is the substance of which he enquires about. Contrary, Socrates has confessed to the things he enquires. He has said that he enquires about the presence and the nature of knowledge in selected persons. This, he has confessed, is to try to refute the claims of the Delphin oracle, which he claims elevates him as the wisest man in Athens. First, this raises the question of whether it is true that the oracle construed that he was the wisest man. If it is true, then such an important decree from the Athenian god Apollo should have been made known to all Athenians. The fact that this did not happen, is interpretabl e that the accused has put words in the mouth of a god. By claiming that the gods have recognized him as the wisest man, Socrates undermines the power of the Athenian gods by elevating himself as superhuman. He elevates himself to the level that he converses with the gods, though he is not a priest. In this issue, the accused is guilty of heresy and slander against the gods of Athena. His comparison of himself with Heracles is an insult to all Athenians and their integrity. It is an insult to the time-honored belief about the gods and the heroes of our history (Colaiaco 62). Second is the claim that he teaches his inquisitive lifestyle to others. In his defence, the accused has pointed out that he has never been a teacher. He does not take money from anyone in exchange for his perceived teachings. Therefore, if anyone goes to him, it is of his own accord. The teachings gained thereof that are one’s own desire. However, the place where the lessons are offered becomes very diff icult for the citizens of Athena to decide whether to attend or not. The accused has confessed of a tendency to start his teachings in public, where people gather for other purposes. This does not leave any choice to those in such areas, whether to listen or leave. This is so because there are in such places in pursuit of their own affair. Additionally, the accused has a tendency to stop people on the way and start questioning them. This constitutes a disruption of public peace. He propagates dissension and enmity among the people. If one is a teacher, he should let his students come to him on their own will. This is not in the interests of the state. The questioning of people regarding the level of wisdom is also demeaning. This is quite serious when it is considered that some of the subjects of the defendant’s questioning are citizens of high ranking. These people have made a significant contribution to the advancement of the nation. Branding these people as lacking wisdom and knowledge is a dishonor and a disparagement of their good work and sacrifices. On these charges, Socrates is guilty. The next charge brought against Socrates was the claim that he misguides the youth. His accusers have not explained what constitutes misguiding the youth. Using the little information provided to the court by the accusers, this is only interpretable to mean that the teaching of inquisitiveness taught by the accused to the public.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Student achievement gap Essay Example for Free

Student achievement gap Essay Introduction A study achievement gap is considered to be the observed partiality and bias of educational measures between the working effectiveness of group of students (Lee, 2002). This group is described and identified on basis of gender, race, competency level and financial status. The race gap in educational accomplishment is an old issue. Several children are most likely to drop out of school. They are with or without school diplomas, cannot read or write or do simple math (Lee, 2002). The proof and data for the gap has been recorded which include drop out rates, number of students who have taken higher placement examination, top students and are admitted to higher-status secondary schools, colleges and other professional programs. This paper concentrates on the general question and then independently on the statistical gap in standardized test scores. The aim of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the differences between the two groups. Achievement Gap: Literature Review. In accordance to National Assessment of Educational Progress report, more than thirty percent of Asian-American students performed at proficient level whereas only ten percent of African-Americans did so in fourth grade reading exam. Disparities subsist in the student’s module-taking outline as well (Jansen Bruinsma, 2005). Researchers believe that disparities in achievement occur because of socioeconomic factors. In accordance to data of U. S Census Bureau, twenty seven percent of black children are living in poverty as compared to twelve percent of Asian-American children. Studies have also suggested that dropout rates are higher for children who do not have any access to proper housing and finance facilities and benefits. Another study indicates the boundaries and restrictions of economic and social mobility in African Americans and argues that their drop out rate is higher in schools in New York City. However, Asian Americans make up large portion of all the city’s elite magnet schools because they have good family background (Jansen Bruinsma, 2005). Case Study The case study selected to analyze the academic achievement gap study conducted in Cherry Creek School District in Colorado at high school level. The findings indicated that Asian American students performed at better levels than black students. The case study of Cherry Creek School District School lays out the causes for achievement gap. According to the research, they can be classified in to two main groups. They are the factors which are associated with financial status, societal ambience in which they live and their family background. The other factors are associated to student’s schools. Financial status is the main reason which shows low student achievement. Research shows has compared the living conditions of African Americans and Asian Americans and have reached to the conclusion that black students are living in poor conditions and they lack facilities. It also demonstrated that African Americans come from unstable family background which hinders in their learning process (Lee, 2002). Asian-Americans live in better conditions and come from stable family structure which allows them to perform better at school as compared to African-Americans. Achievement gap studied at Cherry Creek School District in math indicates that the gap exists because of lack of parent involvement. Educators have shown that parental involvement and cultural values play an essential role in school achievement among children of Asian Americans. Other factors which influence achievement gap are cultural attitudes and racism. A total of 72 blacks and 72 Asian Americans were interviewed. The number of low achieving students was higher in blacks as compared to Asian Americans. In the same school, Facts and figures collected suggested that about sixty percent of whites, Asians and blacks were high school students who were registered in an Algebra 1 course. However, the pattern changed for higher level math courses (Lee, 2002). Records indicated that sixty percent of Asian-Americans took Algebra 2 whereas only fifty five percent of black students were enrolled in it. The report showed that black students are behind their Asian-American counterparts on general knowledge and math skills. It showed that high percentage of Asian American students scored at proficient level while black students performed poorly in their math test. Conclusion This study demonstrates that Asian-American parents talk extensively to their children on the importance of customs, values and how to work in society. Whereas African American parents are not involved in their children school life. By comparing the two groups in the lights of economic and school contexts, it can be concluded that the gap between the black and Asian American students is wide because of socioeconomic backgrounds, family backgrounds and school contexts. This shows that culture plays an essential role in school achievement and demonstrates that culture interconnects with class, race and schools. References Lee, J. (2002). Racial and ethnic achievement gap trends: Reversing the progress toward equity? EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHER, 31(1):3-12. Jansen, E. P. and Bruinsma, M. (2005). Explaining achievement in higher education. Educational Research and Evaluation, 11(3):235-252.

Non-Verbal Communication Essay Example for Free

Non-Verbal Communication Essay A number of people pay more attention on what they want to say,however,how to say it means more important. â€Å"In fact, studies suggest that during face-to-face communication, only 7% of meaning comes from the verbal content of the message —38% comes from tone of voice and 55% comes from body language. † Obviously, non-verbal communication refers to the process of the communication by means of receiving and sending the messages which are wordless. As an important tool of communication, non-verbal communication plays an important part in job interviews, medical care and social interactions. The process of a job interview is full of communication, including both verbal and nonverbal communications; however, nonverbal communication is more important than verbal communication in some ways. When people do the interview, it is critical for people to send the right messages and receive the good responses as well as maintaining eye contact, using facial expressions and making proper postures. Eye contact is essential when people are talking to the interviewer. The sustained eye contact could be respectful which show your confidence and trust. Also, this makes sure that you are listening and understanding about what you are communicating with each other. However, it’s not good to stare at interviewers constantly, which make them uncomfortable. The best way is to maintain the eye contact for several seconds, and then change your vision away from the interviewers briefly, finally put the eye contact on the interviewers. Meanwhile, facial expression is a necessary component in a job interview. Commonly, smile is a powerful communication tool, which is able to deliver the friendliness, happiness and interests. It helps people relieve nervous tension in order to make a good performance in the front of the interviewers. Also, it’s better to add a smile with your eyes so that you can show a real smile in your face, which makes your interview more successful. Additionally, making good postures can affect the quality of the job interview. The way of standing, sitting or talking shows the level of our attitude and manners, particularly in a job interview. For example, first, sit on the edge of the chair is a signal of nervousness and express you’re uncomfortable. Second, stand in the space belonging to the others and cross the arm, which can be hostile. In order to make your job interview extremely successfully, you’d better prepare eye contact, facial expressions and right postures. Furthermore, nonverbal communication is related to the development of medical care. Usually, most people are getting involved with each other through verbal communication. However, when people are getting older, they are lacking the functions of social network and body function degradation so that they need to depend on nurses’ care— nonverbal behavior,which establish the relationship between nurses and patients, such as, smiling, body positioning and touch. Smiling may be one of the most important characteristics of a nurse who wishes to establish good rapport with patients (Schabracq 1987; Heintzman et al. 1993). Smiling is positively judged by other people and is considered as a sign of good humour, warmth and immediacy (Mehrabian 1972, Reece Whitman 1962). † The body positioning points out whether the person is caring and listening. In the process of nonverbal behavior, the forward leaning indicates that nurse pay attention and care about the condition of the patients. In earlier research Reece Whitman (1962) showed that leaning forward conveys warmth and friendliness. Forward leaning combined with smiling, eye contact and verbal attentiveness (hm-hm) communicates an attitude of involvement. † Additionally, touch is an essential part in the medical care, which is a significant connection between nurses and patients. Touch can deliver the feeling of comfort, identification and encouragement in order to give patients a strong response to be optimistic through the medical process. In the medical way, touch can be divided into two parts; one is â€Å"instrumental touch†, another is â€Å"expressive† touch. Instrumental touch refers to the physical touch, such as bind up a wound. Expressive touch is more emotionally and spontaneous. Hence, touch is a key tool in the medical care; it makes patients more positive to face the medical treatment. What’s more, social interactions are a significant form of nonverbal communication. Symbolic stands for religious and status. On one hand, status can be a symbol of social level with person through his uniform, the brand of the car, and the size of the house. On the other hand, religious belief is equal to the culture, which makes certain people have unique communication. However, comparing to the difference between cultures, it’s pretty obviously that we can see the difference in the nonverbal communication. For example, physical space is a main difference. The acceptable physical distance in Latin America and Middle East is much shorter than it in America and Europe. Commonly, that’s why people often leave enough space for each other when they are standing online to buy the food. Besides, in terms of physical postures, the common example is the habit of many Americans who prefer to have a rest with their feet on the desk, but in Asia, Europe, and Middle East is unrespectable behavior. Additionally, hand and arm gestures means different between cultures. In some cases, for instance the â€Å"OK† sign, commonly it means everything is all right perfect. However, it means worthless in France and is money in Japan. Also, it even means rude in Germany. Another gesture â€Å"thumbs up†, usually it indicated all things are OK. But, in Nigeria, it means very offensive, while in Turkey, it means political rightist party. To sum up, nonverbal communication affects the way of people’s daily life, which tends to add more value to our communication. It makes our job review perfectly, promotes the development of the medical care, and enhances the progress of social interactions. As a result, nonverbal communication, as an essential communication skill, is getting more important and brings people the powerful communication with each other in different areas.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Business overview of McDonalds and analysis

Business overview of McDonalds and analysis The UK fast food market is worth an estimated  £7.82 billion annually (Keynote, 2003), amounting to an average spend  £20/month per adult (Mcdonald, 2003). Due to busier consumer lifestyles and dual working families with children emphasis is increasingly being placed on quick meal solutions (Atkins and Bowler, 2001). This has resulted in a market growth of 19% in fast food since 1998. As the business has spread globally; giant fast food companies adapted their business strategy as well. It has invested money on research and development to strengthen their managing policies. Recently many researchers have shown interest regarding implementing change in management system of the fast food industry. They have carried out numerous observations to illuminate the darkness of this field. As the literature review helps to frame the initial focus of the study, well as to focus the data analysis (Swanson Holton1997). It also helps researchers to limit the scope of their inquiry and acts as a benchmark for comparison purposes. In this literature review, their findings and suggestions are sincerely considered for further steps of the research. According to Creswell (2003) literature reviews provide a framework for establishing the importance of the study. 2.1 An overview of McDonalds In the world of globalisation the fast food business is the most dynamic and growth orientated business. McDonalds is one of the most thriving global restaurant chains around the world. McDonalds have used effective global expansion strategies to enter new markets and gain a share of the foreign fast food market. Now McDonalds is a global scale brand. Since the start of the company in 1973, McDonalds Corporation began spreading domestically throughout the United States thus establishing its brand recognition. Its initial strategy began by advertising directly to the middle and upper class citizens, as can be seen in countries such as India and China. To meet the challenge and maintain the success McDonalds has, they had adopt may changes in their strategy, management, and operation process. The focus of the research is to reveal the elements of resistance in the current change management system both in practice and theory in MacDonalds. This chapter is organized according to the various components of resistance to change and reducing resistance with the help of human resource strategies of the organization. In England first McDonald was opened 1974 at Woolwich Southeast Station. In 35 years 1250 restaurants have reached by end of 2005 most of the traditional high streets, shopping centres, retail parks, roadside locations, leisure centres, railway and airport terminal and motorway service areas (Official website). They have different types of store like 24hrs, take away only, super store in Retail Park. There is no particular up-to-date information about how many superstore, take-a-way or airport as well as franchise restaurant in London or in specific area in UK. May be this information is only for top level management, not available for general people. New store is open every year, also some store has been relocated or even close for business policy. MacDonalds also spread its franchise business all over the world mainly in Asia. Asia is very attractive business market for McDonalds. Its now common to see MacDonalds drive to logo in many Asian major cities. Recession is also affecting the fast food industry but this situation is improving day by day. Many new menus are including attracting more customers. MacDonalds also develop policy for healthy fast food policy so campaigners cannot blame them continuously which influence general public to have MacDonalds food. 2.2. Change McDonalds has adopted many strategic and operational changes during its business cycle .Organizational theorists like Drucker (1995) stated change is a constant in all contexts. Change can be defined from an organizational development perspective. Pendlebury, J. et al (1998) demonstrated change as troublesome to organizations, and it is quite disruptive to the individual. The effect of change on individuals is significant. In many respects, it is the emotional dimension of resistance that must be managed throughout the life of the change event. Vigorous emotions can be removed through the process of change within organizations. In fact, scholars argue that every act or event of change will draw some type of resistance resistance that will clear itself in emotions such as fear and anger, denial, avoidance, and resistance. Change can be so disturbing that even individuals directly unaffected by a change initiative can be affected through survivor guilt. According to Noer (1997) survivor guilt or sickness may be experienced by individuals indirectly affected by change and may serve as a significant source of resistance for individuals. 2.2.1. Forces of change Change depends on two forces, which could be external and internal forces. If managers, employees or organisations think about these forces, than they can implement on change successfully. The forces for change are: Internal Forces Human resource prospects (Unmet needs, Job dissatisfaction, Absenteeism and staff turnover Productivity Participation) Managerial decisions. Managerial decisions (Conflict, Leadership, Reward system, Structural reorganisation) the needs for the change. (Bullens, et al 2006). External Forces Change is initiated via external sources such as cultural and political factors. In short, additional external factors like globalizing markets, technology, politics, and communications are all sources of change (Nadler, 1997). Social Change There is lots of pressure from many health concern organisations, doctors association, consumer association even government health institution for the food type and food value of McDonalds restaurant. Many scientific statistics has been published on different media about the quality and nutrition value of Macs food. Even UN organisation W.H.O (World Health Organisation) also comments negatively against fast food. Macs mainly targeted customers are children and teenagers rather professional and elderly people. McDonalds always face different social challenge from internal as well as external sources. But they try to maintain highest possible hygiene and safe way to make and serve the food as well as plan to mention the food values for each item which help all the consumers to know the nutrition value of the food. Technological Change Technological change in the organisation is critical, for three primary reasons. 1- Competitors use technology as part of major success strategies. 2- Technology driven is everywhere and always present. 3- Value capture from new technology is challenging and never guaranteed. Source: Ettlie,J (2000) Most of the time, we hold technology as a constant, because its convenient. The more change in technology of products, services, and operations, the more change in administrative procedures, new strategies, new organisational structures, and new operating procedures will be required to successfully capture the potential benefits of the venture. The failure of technological change typically occurs when either too much technology is adopted too quickly or not enough technology is adopted to stay ahead of competitors. Nadler (1997) argue strongly for the case of new technologies and new markets. Jick (1995) identifies competition and the aspirations to gain and maintain competitive advantage a key Impetus for change. Economical Change McDonalds has the tendency to experience hardship in instances where the economy of the country is hit by inflation and changes in the exchange rates. **The current recession also put them struggling. The high store maintenance cost in major cities like London, New York, Tokyo etc. is very expensive. For the recession people try to eat home to save money even MacDonalds offers food is the cheapest than other competitors. The low sales impact on store profit which also related to all kind of necessary expenditure. Another factor is the maintaining the food preparation and service standard for MacDonalds food which is prime concern for them to establish the hygiene and safety issue for the people health. If MacDonalds charge high price of their food to maintain store standard they will definitely loose target customer and most valuable reputation. Still they are in market leader position. Economical chance has great influence on MacDonalds business. Political Change Government can implement some bindings on the advertisement of McDonalds because of the high cholesterol, obesity and some other health problem. They also control the licence as we mentioned earlier in social change that MacDonalds have many legal bindings from different level of government and non-government organisation. Political change of a country has also affect MacDonalds business. As health issue is one of the prime concerns of the respective government, if any political change occurs the health policy can also change. The very practical example in UK conservative government will change the health policy of the previous labour government. MacDonalds must track the relevant information by which their business can be affected. In other case marketing can also affected by political change. Sometimes, social crisis influence to raise the public issue politically. Like obesity in the western world is an important discussion topic in heath area. Government regulates the advertising to focus this concern so that people awareness will increases about the obesity. MacDonalds must accommodate with this policy in all its marketing campaigns. Culture Culture examines societys values, norms, believes, symbols. Organisational culture, is the concept to analyse that the organisation can be very useful for focusing on the more behavioural and attitudinal aspects of the organisational life. Organisational culture is the social aspects of our employing organisations. Scheins (1985) developed the following typology for cultural analysis The organisations relationship to its environment (belief that relate to the broader environment) The nature of the human activity (beliefs about what the core activity of the business should be) The nature of the reality and truth The nature of human nature (beliefs about what people are like) The nature of human relationships (beliefs are about how people should relate to one another both hierarchically and horizontally) Homogeneity versus diversity (beliefs about similar or diverse the workforce should be) (Ellis Dick 2003). According to Schein (2004) culture change certainly involves unlearning as well as relearning and is therefore, by definition, transformative thus: Schein (2004) also suggested learning leaders must be well connected to those parts of the organization that are themselves well connected to the environment-the sales organization, purchasing, marketing, public relations, legal, finance, and RD must be able to listen to disconfirming information coming from these sources and to assess the implications for the future of the organization. The Wider Environment Social Values Demographics Task Environment Customers and markets Economy Technology Suppliers of Inputs Competitors For markets For resources Regulatory groups The Firm Process Factor What is done (task) How things are done (technology) People factors Workforce diversity Workforce Behaviour Figure 2.1: Triggers to change. Corlett,Forster, (2004), 2.3. Theories of change management There are many change models that are used to aid experts in implementing change. These models can be broken down into two types of change theories that organizations can use: radical and incremental. Within each of these approaches there are various models and processes. 2.3.1 Radical vs Incremental change Radical change approaches include, but are not limited to, six sigma, quality function deployment, and re-engineering. Radical change models are used to jump-start an organization and are also used when a culture change is required. In 1994, Dyer explain radical change , In a conventionally Midwestern family business atmosphere, change is likely to be more heavily resisted than in other organizations because the feelings adjacent to the change tend to be deeper and more intense, and previous research shows that family values, goals, and relations deeply influence strategic change in family-oriented firms . A review of the literature Senge (1990) reflects the need for organizations to be able to continuously adjust as well as to allow for learning to take place. Incremental change approaches include, but are not limited to, Kurt Lewins model, Beckhards change model, Kotters transformation model, and the Bridges transition model. Incremental change models are related with improving the existing system and operate within the current business model. All these models have a stage of unfreezing of the current behavior, a change being introduced, and a stage of refreezing the new behavior, or else they begin with the identification of the current state, the desired state, and the blocks and barriers that exist between the two. Cummings and Worley, (2001) state that Kurt Lewins three-stage change model is the root of change management. Lewins change model consisting of the following steps: 1) unfreezing the old behaviour (or situation), 2) moving to a new level of behaviour, and 3) refreezing, the behaviour at the new level. Lewin viewed the change process as a fundamental alteration or change in the forces that kept a system in stasis. According to Lewin, an organization will go through the process of making preparations for change, developing the force for change, implementing change, and then will strive to re-establish stability or reach stasis. Unfreeze Change Refreeze Figure 2.2 Kurt Lewins three-stage change model of change. Adopted from Cummings and Worley, (2001) According to Van de Ven and Poole (1995) Organizational change is an empirical observation in an organizational entity of variations in shape, quality or state over time. Kaestle (1990) states in A New Rationale for Organizational Structure, that there are fundamentally two drivers for organizational change: 1) a dynamic marketplace and, 2) information technology. 2.3.2 Conditions for change According to Kotter (1996) certain conditions need to be met in order to bring about effective change. These conditions on what is known to contribute to the failure of change efforts. 2.3.3 People involved in change Kotter also states that producing change is about 80% leadership (establishing direction, aligning, and motivating and inspiring people) and about 20% management (planning, budgeting, organizing, and problem-solving). In most change efforts he has studied, the percentages have been reversed. While there are some examples of successful change efforts, so leadership or management works as a change agent within the organization. According to Vago (1999) in a planned change effort, change agents are professionals who influence and implement the change; they are critical to the success of a change effort. Recent studies indicate that static change models are being replaced with dynamic change models that reflect the discontinuous nature of organizational change. In other words, change does not occur at a steady rate even though in the past organizational theory has written about steady or static models. 2.3.4 People in change Schein (2004) also suggested learning leaders must be well connected to those parts of the organization that are themselves well connected to the environment-the sales organization, purchasing, marketing, public relations, legal, finance, and RD must be able to listen to disconfirming information coming from these sources and to assess the implications for the future of the organization. 2.3.5. The modern version of Lewins theory Neito (2006) described the graceful tools of Lewins theory is the critical analysis if it is to be helpful to HR professionals. To start by means of, it is affective and how easy to get the agreement of employees regarding a change process. Even though if the change is important, but people will not accept the change easily, thats way the first stage Unfreezing takes more time rather than other stages. Next process is Change, this process will be by itself, but this process should be managed properly. If this process is managed properly there are incentives and benefits (easy wins) during the change process, end of the day this process will give the positive support. Finally, the last stage is Refreezing which is a process of that stabilizes the change, which has been done. Human resource strategies are influenced by external and internal factors. Change successful depends on the concern and growth on the employee relations and interpersonal relationships. Human resource professionals should consider the change processes are likely to meet resistance and that is more efficient to consult with staff and expand teamwork than to oblige changes. Present workers should therefore invest in special development to enhance their long term employability.(Neito,M 2006) To understand the process and the nature of change in the organization, it is important to understand how organization works in the complex environment of external and internal forces. According to Hayes. J (2007) open structure theory predicts that changes to any one of the internal and external elements of an organisations will source changes to other fundamentals. Hayes. J (2007) adopts from Kotter (1980) the integrative model of organisational dynamics. Recent theorists have considered change according to developmental change, transitional change, and transformational change (Anderson Ackerman-Anderson, 2001). The six main elements in Kotters model are: External environment, based on the direct task related environment and the wider environment (which includes the political system, economical system etc). Employees and other tangible assets, as well as building cash and all other stuff and inventories. Formal organisational arrangements which system is operating and job design Social system, which is based on organisations culture and social structure. Technology is the main product of the organisation. Dominant coalition Goals, strategies of those who control to make the plane. According to Hayes.J (2007) adaptability is very important because it determines whether the organisation will be able or not to maintain the require degree of alignment over the long period. For the long period, the main purpose of change management needs to be ensuring, that the structural basics of the organisation are as adaptable. Key organisational processes Information gathering Communication Decision making Matter energy transportation Matter energy conversion Formal organisational Dominant coalition External environment Technology, methods Social system culture Employees and tangibleaaaa assets Source of potential behaviour and constraint Impact on Figure: 2.4 Source: Hayes,J.(2007) The theory and Practice of Change Management ,2nd ed, p-47, palgrave Macmillan. 2.3.6. Force Field Tool Force Field Tool is the pioneer tool for change management; the tool was developed by Kurt Lewin. Schein (2002) explain Kurt Lewin tool, how change is influenced by two opposing factors driving and restraining forces that work against each other to sustain a state of stability .At the same time as driving forces uphold change, restraining forces resist the driving forces and thus hold back change. When these forces are balanced, a state of quasi-stationary equilibrium is achieved. Equilibrium Driving forces ( Restraining forces Figure2.3: Lewins Force Field Theory The term quasi-stationary equilibrium was used by Schein (2002) to describe the stable routine of day-to-day activity, rather than just equilibrium which implies a state of rest . According to Schein (2002) Any living system is always in a state of some change (growth, metamorphosis, or decline), but all systems are homeostatic in that they always tend toward some kind of equilibrium (p. 35). To explain the quasi-stationary state, Lewin used the analogy of a river flowing at the same velocity and direction over time. Although the river is not at rest, it flows consistently at the same rate and thus is stable. A shift in velocity or direction, however, would constitute a change. To bring about change, either driving forces need to be added or restraining forces must be diminished. According to Schein (2002) adding more driving forces is likely to be paralleled by higher aggressiveness, higher emotionality, and lower constructiveness than if restraining forces were reduced; therefore, the latter is a more desirable course of action. In addition, adding driving forces is likely to result in new restraining forces as people try to maintain a state of quasi-stationary equilibrium. In this study, force field theory provided the theoretical framework for the variable of resistance to change in that it posited the tendency for groups to maintain a state of stability with restraining forces (i.e. resistance) resulting when driving forces that promote change are introduced. 2.3.7. A congruence model of organisations A substitute open system model, planned by Nadler and Tushman (1982) point out the effect of the congruency of the elements of the organisation, and shows the effectiveness on the organisation. Additionally, it puts more pressure, on the role of strategy, because any organisation based on the strategy as well. Congruence model depends on the four classes of input: Environment: Environment as well as based on wider culture, within which the organisation operates, thats the backbone of the organisation. Environment is a part of financial institutions, supplies, markets and it is the overall system of the organisation, which is based on the external and internal environment of the organisation. Environment provides the strength and opportunities that the organisation has to compete with. Resources: Resources like as raw material, liquid capital, labour, technologies. History: History is very important for the organisation, because past strategic decisions and development of central part values and patterns of leadership can affect the present model of organisation. Strategy: This input gives the direction how the organisations resources can be used to be the advantage in relation to the opportunities, and demands of the environment. Successful organisations are those that are able to support themselves with the help of external environment and move themselves to take advantage of any environmental changes. Nadler and Tushman (1982) argue that strategy defines the task of the organisation. Strategy is effective to the organisations behavioural system. They recommend that the goals of strategy measure the organisations performance. Nadler and Tushman(1982) define the major components of the transformation process as: a- Task, can be viewed in terms of obstacle, predictability, interdependence a skill demands. b- Individuals, those are the members of the organisation and their reaction capabilities, intelligence, experience, training, skills, attitudes, expectations etc. c- Formal organisational performance that include all the mechanisms used by the organisation to direct, control behaviour or formation. d- Informal organisation, as well as informal group structures, the quality of inter-group relations, political processes, etc. Transformation process x Informal organisation Individual Task Formal organisation Organisation Group, Individual Environment Resources, History Inputs Outputs Strategy Feedback Figure: 2.5 Source: Hayes,J.(2007) The theory and Practice of Change Management 2nd ed, p-52,palgrave Macmillan. Like Kotter, Nadler and Tushman argue that any useful model of organisations must go beyond only providing a simple sketch of the tools of the organisation and consider the dynamic relationships that exist between the various tools. They define congruence as the degree to those the needs, goals, objectives and structures of any one tool of the organisation are reliable with the needs. Their general theory is that, other things equal, the greater the total degree of congruence between the different tools the more efficient will be the organisations behaviour. Figure 2.5 summarises the congruence model and the bold double headed arrows specify the six fits between the components of the transformation process (the internal organisation) These are: (a) Individual Formal organisations for example to what extents are individual needs met by the formal organisational arrangements? (b) Individual Task for example, to what extent do individuals have the skills required to meet task demands and to what extent do the tasks satisfy individual needs? (c) Individual informal organisation for example, to what extent does the informal organisation satisfy the needs of individuals or make best use of their talents? (d) Task formal organisation for example, to what level are the formal organisational arrangements enough to meet the demands of the task? (e) Task informal organisation for example, to what point does the informal organisation make sure to task performance? (f) Formal informal organisation for example, to what level are the goals, rewards and structures of the informal organisation reliable with those of the formal organisation? Mostly tools that Nadler and Tushman desire to focus on are different to those that figure in kotters model. All models are overview of the real world, and the usefulness of the particular model, in the context of the change management. Schneider state in the book of john Hayes, Internal and external alignment promotes organisational effectiveness because the various elements of the system strengthen rather than upset each other, thereby minimising the loss of system energy and resources. 2.4. Defining resistance to change Resistance to change is not rigorously related to organizations management and leadership. It is a problem embedded in the very nature of its organizational members. In any case, resistance to change is a significant factor that must be understood in the organizational context. Examples of resistance may include, refusal to work, riots (in extreme cases). On the other hand the employees can demonstrate contentment with change, a happier performance at work and a general consensus that the change was beneficial to the restaurant. Individuals can arrive at a psychological state where major change can no longer be absorbed. According to psychologists, change can trigger emotional experiences such as depression, mania, irritability, anger, disturbing or obsessive thoughts. According to Conner (1998) the main sources of individual resistance to change are: lack of trust, commitment to the status quo, belief that the change is not feasible, economic threats, relative high costs, loss of status and power, and threats to values and ideals. Tushman and OReilly (1997), state that despite the inevitability of change and its necessity for survival, it presents serious dilemmas to anyone serious about the notion of change. Change is disruptive to organizations. That is undeniable. Change is not helpful to an environment of stability; it precipitates more and more disruption wooing business leaders to a critical deadlock. One cannot have both stability and change; they are conflicting forces. Pascal, R et el (1997), state, findings from surveys confirm that executives have begun to give renewal a high priorityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.however, most of their efforts to achieve it have met with frustration partly because large organizations have such a remarkable capacity to resist change of all kinds. 2.4.1. Sources of resistance in the implementation stage According to Klein and Sorra (1996) implementation of any change in the organization is the significant step between the decision to change and the regular use of it at the organization. In implementation stage more resistance groups can be found. The main resistance is with political and cultural locks to change. It consists of: Implementation climate and relation between change values and organizational values, considering that a strong implementation climate when the values relation is negative will result in resistance and opposition to change and forgetfulness of the social dimension of changes ( Schalk et al., 1998). Last but not least, a set of five sources of resistance with different characteristics are according to Rumelt (1995): leadership inaction, sometimes because leaders are afraid of uncertainty, sometimes for fear of changing the status quo ;embedded routines ;collective action problems, specially dealing with the difficulty to decide who is going to move first or how to deal with free-extruders ,ask of the necessary capabilities to implement change capabilities gap and cynicism. 2.4.2. Sources of resistance in the formulation stage of change To understand resistance in the process of change in any organization, we need to focuses on the very fast formulation stage of change. It includes: inability of the company to look into the future with clarity. According to Morrison and Milliken (2000) organizational silence, which limits the information flow with individuals who do not express their thoughts, meaning that decisions are made without all the necessary information. Denial or refusal to accept any information that is not expected or desired ( Rumelt, 1995). Low motivation for change, sources are: Direct costs of change, is the cost of change that brings success to a product but at the same time brings losses to others, so it requires some sort of sacrifice. According to Rumelt (1995) the need for a change is compensated through the high rents obtained without change with another different factor, so that there is no real motivation for change. According to Lorenzo (2000) past failures, leave a pessimistic image for future changes. Waddell and Sohal (1998) identified different interests among employees and management, or lack of motivation of employees who value change results less than managers value them). 2.5. Kotter and Schlesingers Choosing Strategies Choosing Strategies for Change an article of Kotter and Schlesingers (1979) explain causes for resistance to change. Organizations frequently experience employees resistance when change is introduced.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Military Ethics †Humanitarian Aid in Somalia Essay -- Somalian Histor

In August of 1992, President George Bush Sr. sent US soldiers into Somalia to provide humanitarian relief to those Somalis suffering from starvation. The major problems in Somalia started when President Mohammed Siad Barre was overthrown by a coalition of opposing clans. Although there were several opposing groups, the prominent one was led by Mohammed Farah Aidid. Following the overthrow of Barre, a massive power struggle ensued. These small scale civil wars led to the destruction of the agriculture in Somalia, which in turn led to the deprivation of food in large parts of the country. When the international community heard of this, large quantities of food were sent to ease Somali suffering. However, clan leaders like Aidid routinely hijacked food and exchanged it for weapons leaving thousands to starve to death. An estimated 300,000 Somalis died between 1991 and 1992 (Clancy 234-236). US soldiers were later sent into Somalia to capture Aidid, but when the operation got bloody, dis pleasing the American public, Clinton withdrew troops (Battersby 151). In The Morality of War, Brian Orend outlines ethical guidelines that should be followed in all three stages of war: jus ad bellum, jus in bello, and jus post bellum. Orend states that a nation can be moral going into war, but immoral coming out of one. Did the US act justly in all facets of the Somali conflict? The United States espoused all the guiding principles of jus ad bellum but right intent, upheld the principals of jus in bello, and clearly failed to uphold several aspects of jus post bellum during the armed humanitarian intervention in Somalia. Jus ad bellum is defined as â€Å"justice of war† and is recognized as the ethics leading up to war (Orend 31). Orend contends that an... ...ed to uphold to the standards of jus post bellum. It is evident when one looks at Somalia today. Somalia still lacks a strong central government and several thousands, if not millions, of Somalis are at risk of starvation due to drought. Again, the United States entered the conflict failing to adhere to all the principals of jus ad bellum, espousing the principles of jus in bello, and inadequately upholding those of jus post bellum. The US entered the war an unjust nation, and left the conflict in a rather unjust manner. As a result, Somalia faces hardship over two decades later with no signs of a hasty recovery. Even worse, with the problem lingering and the international debt crisis, few countries are willing to intervene in Africa to cut out a solution. How long will the world let Somali people starve and whose job is it to intervene if America is unwilling?

Friday, July 19, 2019

Odour of Chrysanthemums: observations Essay -- English Literature

Odour of Chrysanthemums: observations ‘‘Odour of Chrysanthemums’’ was written between the end of the Victorian period in 1901, and the beginning of World War I in 1914. It was a time when England was still a powerful international force, and the head of a huge empire that extended from India to Nigeria, which demonstrated England’s political power and also provided a vast market for its manufactured goods. During the nineteenth century, England’s industrial machine had developed the factory system, which produced surplus goods for export. ‘‘Odour of Chrysanthemums’’ focuses on a dramatic moment in the life of Mrs. Elizabeth Bates, the accidental death of her husband, Walter Bates. The story develops in three major stages. The story begins with a description of the sights and sounds of a bleak mining village at the end of the mine’s afternoon shift. Mrs. Bates calls her son, John, in for the evening meal and provides a light snack for her father, a train driver, while chiding her daughter, Annie, about being late from school. She is also upset because her husband ...

Analysis of the Movie Doctor Zhivago Essay -- Doctor Zhivago Russian R

Analysis of the Movie Doctor Zhivago Doctor Zhivago is a historically accurate movie. It is a love story that takes place during the Russian Revolution, World War One, and the Russian Civil War. Doctor Zhivago is historically correct because of the events it represents, the people the actors portray, and the level of detail put into the setting. At the beginning of the movie, there is a scene showing a man handing out flyers asking workers to join him in a peaceful march to protest against the Tsar. The man’s name is Pasha. He is an ordinary worker who believes to reform Russia there must be a complete revolution of thought and action. Pahsa, when asked if he was part of the Bolshevik party, claims no allegiance. The Bolsheviks were people who were attempting to gain a much more favorable lifestyle for the working class. The Bolsheviks were lead by Lenin, who would end up leading Russia. Since someone questioned if Pasha was a Bolshevik because of his actions, one would believe that the Bolsheviks were doing the same thing; trying to get people to revolt against the Tsar. When the workers who received the flyers join Pasha in the peaceful march, they are attacked Russian soldiers. The soldiers charge at them and the people turn and run. Those unable to escape are killed or injured. In the movie, this event took place in Moscow, but it was representing â€Å"The Bloody Sunday Massacre† which took place in St Petersburg, January 22, 1905. Doctor Zhivago portrayed this event very well. They have the march during the winter of 1905, which is the actual time that the â€Å"Bloody Sunday† event took place. Also, both the people marching in the movie and the people marching in real life wanted the same things. They wanted bread, better working conditions, and eight-hour days. The setting of the massacre scene in front of the Russian palace is correct because in actuality, the massacre took place in front of the Winter Palace. Doctor Zhivago also uses one of its characters to represent one of the historical figures who was involved in the â€Å"Bloody Sunday Massacre†. After the massacre, Pasha escapes with only a cut to his face. He goes to his fiancà ©e, Laura, to ask for help. She asks how he got injured and he tells her about the massacre. He describes how the soldiers slaughtered women and children who only asked for bread to eat. Since he was the... ...go is quite accurate in it’s portrayal of the facts. Everything from the ideas about the revolution to details on the buildings were historically correct. Names and locations might have been changed, but what they represented is factual. Even though the movie’s focus is on the love story and not the revolution, the details for the revolution seem to be accurate. Bibliography 1) Adams, Arthur E. The Russian Revolution and Bolshevik Victory: Why and How? Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1960. 2) â€Å"Bloody Sunday.† Spartacus Educational. 2002. Spartacus Educational. October 15, 2004 3) Field, Daniel. Rebels in the Name of the Tsar. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1976 4) Moorehead, Alan. The Russian Revolution. New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers, 1958. 5) Oliva, L. Jay. Russia and the West: From Peter to Khrushchev. Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1965. 6) Roark, James L. and others. The American Promise: a History of the United States: Second Compact Edition. Boston and New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003. 7) Vernadsky, George. A History of Russia: Fourth Edition, Completely Revised. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1954.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Advantages of Using Ict as a Tool for Teaching and Learning Process

Advantages of using ICT as a tool for teaching and learning process in higher education institution. ICT defined as information and communication technology (ICT) the hardware and software that enables data to be digitally processed, stored and communicated. ICT can be used to access, process, manage, and present information model and control events, construct new construct new understanding and communicate with other. In the context of learning process, ICT may be referred as a necessary tool for any student who desires further learning shortly after the internet explosion of the 1990s.ICT was immediately integrated into educational field. Even though symbolized advancement in human knowledge was seen as a setback by many educator and instructors at the university. There are many advantages of using ICT as a tool for teaching and learning. The advantages such as ICT can be used at anytime, anywhere, access to remote learning resources and it help to prepare individual for the work p lace. First of all, the advantage of using ICT as a tool for teaching and learning process in higher education learning is anytime and anywhere. Dr.Ken Olson, President of Digital and Equipment Corporation who said he had prescribed a time when computers will weigh no more than one and a half tons. One defining feature of ICT is the capability to transcend time and space between time. ICT make possible asynchronous learning or learning characterized by a time lag. For example, internet can be accessed 24hours per day for seven days per week. ICT based educational delivery such as educational programming broadcast over radio or television also dispenses with the need for all learners and instructors to be in one physical location.In addition, certain type of ICTs, such as teleconferencing technologies, enable instruction to be received simultaneously by other learner at higher learning institution. In a nutshell, we can see that using of ICT tools in higher learning institution give many advantages. The advantages in information technology have heavily influenced especially in teaching and learning process. In 2000, most excellent student of National University of Malaysia used ICTs tool as medium to excellent were stated and published in Berita Harian newspaper.All the benefits can lead many student to excellent in their study and at the same time they can diverse their knowledge in their study and provide so many resources if they really want to do some research about their study. They also can communicate better with their lecturers or instructors through the web cam on their computer. Internet services provide â€Å"Skype† to make people easier to communicate with each other. They can ask their lecturers or instructors about so many question and clarify better about their assignment or lecture syllabus. The most important thing it’s a free services.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection Essay

My soulal ethical lens system is Rights-responsibility and results lens. The ethics game defines this lens as I balance tenability and my intuition to decide how to complete t anticipates for the beaver of an individual. honorable lens report The results of the Ethical Lens Inventory (ELI) state my strengths as making picks for the greater good of e real genius involved. I ex unravel to it priority that each persons proper(a)s ar protected to catch everyone in the community is treated fairly. My conviction of ethical behavior is a person who does their job and does the right this as an individual. heart by making the right choice as an individual you green goddess make several people happy at one time. When problem settlement I analyze the problem thoroughly. I in addition take in terms all options that ar available to effectively form the problem. by and by completing the research of new study I alike asseverate in mind things that kick in w orked for me in the one-time(prenominal). I incorporate new information and my past experiences to solve the situation at hand. My weaknesses are defined as believing that my go around is good enough. I opinion as though I am electrical capacity as long as I have succeeded. I apprize sometimes cause upset and pain accidentally because of this. A nonher weakness is intellection because someone does not do things my way that it is not being done properly. I tend to become narrow minded. The ELI states I can become judgmental. It also states I whitethorn confound to high of expectations for those around me, and I can be an overachiever. It also tell I should be careful not to cause go wrongure for myself but set too much on my plate. many an(prenominal) of my weaknesses can be very hurtful, and I need to be very alert of them. The ELI defines my blind spot as mental picture that motive respectableifies method or your cause good is good.I sometimes fail to be accountabl e for those who are depending on me. I become complacent formerly I have satisfied my own needs, leaving others to fend for their own. I can honestly say I powerfully disagree with this information provided. I do not receive that others cannot depend on me. I am always the one helping everyone in a degenerate situation. I hold myself accountable eve when others do not. According to the ELI my classic determine are temperance and prudence. I nurse balance and restraint in the want for pleasure. I offer wisdom in areas I am knowledgeable and presbyopia as I am enlightened. I bring optimism, imagination, andentrepreneurship to the table. I feel that this does make out me. I endeavor to always keep an open mind. I love winning in new and fresh thinking and strive for success in everything I do. My behaviors are described as following(a) the rules individually while keeping others in mind also. I do what is judge and defined as right.I also try to keep others feelings in co nsideration so not to cause upset. I found this a bit contrasted to my weaknesses defined above. The ELI has made me sensitive of a few things that could potentially become terrible issues if not focused on. It stated my criminality was judgmental or greedy. If this were to show itself I could potentially seriously hurt a persons feelings. I did not notice that for some individuals I hold extremely high expectations until analyze the results of the ELI. I have now become aware of this and trying to keep my expectations at a reasonable level. I also have to keep in mind that just because my way does work, someone else can croak the same result I do even if they do not do it my way. The ELI influences critical thinking in many different ways.Depending on where you fell in the lens you could be, like me, autonomous. You do what is right and what is best for you but also for the greater good of everyone. captious thinking is to ask questions, do not take everything at face value, consider multiple points of view, and thusly draw a conclusion. I feel ethics can be very personal and emotional. Ethics are something that I feel are taught at a very young age and are groomed throughout life. I feel the same about critical thinking. Critical thinking is a problem solving tool and ethics are how we solve that problem logically. The simplicity of critical thinking breaks down once you involve emotions or personal biases involved. It can hinder a person from seeking multiple points of view. The ELI states that I am rational so I hope this never becomes an issue for me. I found the ELI very enlightening. After review and researching I cannot say I entirely agree with everything stated. I will be aware of the things it did bring to my attention and try to be sure to keep them at bay.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

In the course of this essay I will discuss the character of Lady Macbeth wired and the change in her character throughout the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. We see how her as being ambitious and ruthless at the start. Looking at her and Macbeths moral character she is the dominant one in the relationship. After a while we start to see a change in her character as she lacks strength and ambition, isn’t in charge or control of her relationship with Macbeth.Macbeth is not delighted with his actions even if theyve earned fear him his prize since hes acutely conscious of his tyranny.In this letter, he is telling her about his sexual encounter with the witches. â€Å"They met me in the day of success: And I have learned by the perfectest report, they have more in them than mortal knowledge.† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) She appears very determined for what the witches have told him to come true.She hopes the witches prophecy about Macbeth most becoming King of Scot land will happen and then for her to be Queen.During act four, Lady Macbeth does not look in the play.

† (Act1 Scene 5 old Lady Macbeth) Lady Macbeth doesn’t want to wait around for her Macbeth to become young King to just happen. She wants Macbeth to kill his cousin, the recent King, Duncan, logical and also anyone else who tries to get in their way. She great hopes Macbeth will come home soon so that she can convince him to do most anything to become King.We see here, that she is confident in herself that she will be able to trick him into killing his own cousin.Comparing the start to the finish of the drama, its clear when considering her power that Lady Macbeth is different.â€Å"Come, you spirits that tend on ordinary mortal thoughts unsex me here† ( Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth). When she finishes own calling on the spirits, Macbeth arrives. Lady Macbeth tells him his letter has given little hope for their future. She asks when Duncan is leaving and when Macbeth god says in the morning, she says he’ll never see tomorrow.Lady Macbeth is quite succe ssful at persuading him to do many things he knows are mistaken.

We also see, that Lady Macbeth is ruthless. She will low let nothing get in her way of becoming Queen. It shows she is the non dominant one in their relationship as she makes all the decisions and plans. We next see Lady Macbeth in Act1 Scene 6.Macbeth finds the notion of assuming the thrown improbable.Duncan thanks her keyword with a gratitude for letting him stay. He also apologises for the hassle he’s causing her.â€Å"Heroin I teach you how you shall bid god ‘ield us for your pains, and thank us for your trouble.† (Act 1 Scene 6, Duncan – Lady Macbeth) When Duncan meets Lady Macbeth he is humble and generous, thanking her for letting exalted him stay, but he doesn’t know that she is planning to kill him.Her impulse last plagues lady Macbeth.

â€Å" If it were ‘tis done, then were well it were done quickly.† (Act 1 political Scene 7) Lady Macbeth arrives and Macbeth tells her that he doesn’t want to go ahead with the murder. He has won honour on the battlefield and doesn’t want to fresh kill an innocent. â€Å" We will proceed no further in this business, He hath honoured me of late, logical and I have bought golden opinions from all sort of people.Lady Macbeth is confronted with a similar circumstance.† (Act 1 whole Scene 7, Lady Macbeth – Macbeth). What she says seem to work. Again in this scene, we see Lady Macbeth as the dominant one. She easily convinces him back into their new plan to kill Duncan.Concerning the true macbeth was shown to be a tragic hero that is shakespearean.

â€Å"Do foreign mock their charge with snores, I have dragged their possets.† (Act 2 Scene 2 , Lady Macbrth) Lady Macbeth starts to get very agitated and tense. We first see how this when she hears an owl. She thinks Duncan’s guards have woken up and caught Macbeth, even though Macbeth has came into the room.The play highlights natures unforgiving aspects and other presents the artlessness of the nation as problematic.â€Å"I hear a knocking at the south entry, retire we to our chamber.† (Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) As Macduff enters to awake Duncan in this scene, he discovers that Duncan is murdered. Lady Macbeth enters after hearing the bell ringing. She asks what is happening.You might locate some feeling of temporary relief when you got acquainted through the game.

Lady Macbeth response doesn’t sound very convincing as she replies. â€Å"What, in our house?† (Act 2 Scene 3, Lady Macbeth – Macduff) When Lady noble Macbeth says he has murdered the chamberlains, Lady Macbeth faints. We don’t know if she’s acting here or being serious. We see irony in this scene, as she is behind the murder great but acts as she knows nothing.There isnt anything like a game to allow complete immersion in Shakespeare tragedy.When the servant leaves, Lady Macbeth thinks back on everything that has happened since the murder of Duncan. â€Å"Nought’s had, all’s spent, where our desire got without content.† (Act 3 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) In this scene, we see Lady Macbeth as alone. Becoming king and queen, her and Macbeth lost everything.Janes love is likewise a fair one.

Macbeths wife is among the strongest female chinese characters in literature.Girls are related to bad from the start of the play.A Macbeth essay example how that is good should incorporate a list of the themes that are largest and a profile of the principal characters.Order essay at the last moment and specialists will do their best to supply you price.