Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Funding for Public Schools Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Funding for Public Schools - Case Study Example It will also analyze the impacts, recommendations and implementation of court opinions and decisions on the West Orange-Cove case of 2005. Finally, it will bring out my own reflections of the belief I have regarding the property tax systems of the State and how it will impact on the financials of the public schools in Texas State Public school funding in Texas was first defined by an Act 'Gilmer-Aikin Act' of 1949 which enabled the establishment of a minimum foundation program. The program was designed to create a funding system that will see the State and other local sources remit revenue to the education systems. However, the system got a setback when the law suit was filed by school districts sitting issues of substantial inequity and misappropriation. The Texas Supreme Court then ruled that the Texas school funding system was unconstitutional and need to be scrapped. This resulted to the current financial system 'Robin Hood's system' which is currently in place Property taxes are revenues collected via taxes on businesses and individuals l9ivin gin the State ton finance school programs. The taxes usually contribute to about 49% of all funds that the school districts require in addition to the State and federal funds which contributes 41 and 10% respectively. Every school district has adopted two tax rates every year i.e. debt service tax rate and operations and maintenance tax rate. Adequacy and equity of funds The hotly debated issue of public financing in schools in the State has been the equity and adequacy of the funds. People argue on whether the most important goal is equity or adequacy or there is any combination of the two issues2. Equity provides equal distribution while adequacy advocates for enough funding for each and every student. Texas legislators are striving to meet a compromising level that will see the revolution of systems in Texas to fair policies that will ensure equal funds for all students and schools Most experts in the education arena are for the idea that the current systems are almost exhausted due to changing political and economic climates. To sustain a strong economy, they argue, will need an equally strong educational financial system that will be very efficient in meeting the growing demand s of the sector. Their opinion is that, districts will be able to save more of their revenues by providing quality childhood education. This will imply that the amount of money used to meet challenges of these students when they are in heir 9th grade will be lower compared to what would be needed if they obtained poor childhood education. If the current trends of court cases regarding the systems are anything to go by, then, the education system in the State will be at stake. West Orange-Cove case Texas schools coalition members, west orange-cove and other interested parties had filed a case in the courts to question the constitutional credibility of the Texas schools financing system3. San Antonio Independent School being the plaintiff in the property poor and equally poorly funded Edgewood district was involved in the case together with the others. Their claims were; 1. The schools financial system had evolved into a property tax violator thereby violating the Texas constitution, Article VIII of section 1

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