Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Research Paper Example as a key driver behind the phenomenal success that the company has been able to achieve in the past decade or so. Certainly, when one views Apple Inc.’s extensive product portfolio in the technology industry, the immediate reaction that is garnered with regards to the success of the product reflects upon the idea that the triumph of the product is only attributable to innovation and creativity. More so, one also feels that Apple Inc. has been able to stand out in the market because time and again the organization has been able to beat competitors like Microsoft and Samsung by deliberating what the customer wants and then acting upon that deliberation. However, innovation in product design and execution is not something that happens by chance and it most certainly is not one facet of organizational success. Through this article I learned that it is in fact possible for a company to base its future direction on the design of the product that appeals the market and reaches out to the customer. I believe that the crux of Heracleous’s analysis regarding Apple Inc.’s product design and associated decisions lies in emphasizing upon how the company is able to develop a convergence. As noted by the author, â€Å"†¦the company has helped to accelerate the blurring of industry boundaries through the spread of devices that offer convergent technologies† (Heracleous 3). In this segmnent of the discussion the author emphasizes upon the need to take such product design decisions that demonstrate risk and audacity through the integration of a surprise element. Many a times while conducting research that is related to operations management and enhancing the issues that are associated with process management, companies choose to ignore the minor faults in the product design itself which maybe hindering the successful execution of tasks. Discussing the matter with respect to process decision making at Apple Inc. it can be identified that the company basis its

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